Which are best mobiles to mine MIB?| MIBcoin

After the growth of blockchain-based Bitcoin, various crypto coin have been issued out to become part of our real lives. But the crypto coin and the Blockchain system Network are having problem with maintaining the system due to their excessive power consumption and costly equipments, thus they are not fulfilling the role as digital currency for everyone.
WHY SO? That is because of the costly maintenance fee of the Blockchain system, which leads to the monopolization by a certain coutnry and some people with large capital.

MIB, the next generation of Blockchain system Network

MIB stands for Mobile Integrated Blockchain. The Blockchain network is based on the smartphone, which is the most generalized device with its endless possibilities that is also called as the portable PC. On this Mobile SmartX Blockchain Platform(MSXBP), anyone can download MIB APP on their smartphone to start Mining, send and receive their cryptocurrencies, and use them for payments and exchanges in mobile environment.

 Which are best mobiles to mine MIB?

MIB Mining no more requires costly hardware, CPU, Graphic card, or special equipment(ASIC or GPU). It is impossible for a certain country or some mining enterprises to monopolize in the Crypto market since the mining is only done on mobile. Furthermoer, the distributed mobile Blockchain system provides high efficiency Blockchain network with low cost.

that's info that you might be able to make a reference, but I personally have to use a Samsung J7PRO that can reach 147 with a cooler

even in Indonesia they use wifi setupbox or stb indihome as their mining tool like most bitcoin mining 

Ok..happy mining happy crypto coin
and don't forget to swap your coins if you want to exchange or use transactions


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